Wheels from the Past Car Club, Inc
PO Box 1852

Edgewater, MD 21037

Email:  Webmaster@wheelsfromthepast.org

Our Club

Items of Interest

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Download a Membership Renewal/Application Form for Mail In

   Wheels from the Past Car Club, Inc. was established in 2007, and incorporated in 2009. We are a civic minded nonprofit tax exempt charitable organization focused on the preservation of a piece of classic Americana, namely our cars.  We are also a social group and are always willing to show off our beauties and share all sorts of tips, tricks and war stories about how we got and keep our toys looking and operating like they do.

   Wheels from the Past is centrally located in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, an easy 30 minute cruise from eight surrounding Maryland counties! We like to have a good time and welcome new members!

    We always give back to our community.  Our philanthropic focus changes each year based on the needs of our community. We will work hard this year to make a difference and provide much needed support.

   We host a large variety of classic cars from Rat Rods to Pro Street, Stock to Custom . . . something for everyone!

   Our club focus is classic American cars/trucks but any cars are welcome at our cruise nights during the cruise season from the beginning to the end of Daylight Savings Time.

An Important Notice

We are now meeting on the first Tuesday of each month at the Edgewater Ihop, please come join us at 6:00 pm.

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Check out the Photo Gallery for more pictures

Important Announcement!

It is with great sadness we inform you of Brian Bowie’s passing.  Brian was a founding member and a Past President of our Club.

He will be sorely missed.

As viewing and funeral details are made available we will update you.

The Management