Wheels from the Past Car Club, Inc
PO Box 1852

Edgewater, MD 21037

Email:  Webmaster@wheelsfromthepast.org

“The best little car club in Maryland” Wheels from the Past Car Club Club Document Library

Wheels from the Past, Inc. (WFTP) establishes a library of electronic files storage.

In establishing the Library, the club establishes the following Digital Records Management (DRM) policy.

Digital Records Management (DRM) – WFTP DRM Policy

The purpose of digital records management is to provide a centralized long term storage and member access to WFTP, Inc. Files.  The Library is a managed asset of the club.  Management of this resource primarily falls to duly elected WFTP Secretary with the President and Treasurer as supplemental authorities.  

Any requests to add records to the library will be sent to the secretary (secretary@wheelsfromthepast.org).  All records are available to any member in good standing that provides a request.  Any requestor will have view rights to the repository.  Editor privileges will be restricted to the Secretary, President, and Treasurer.  

Definition – The Club’s managed library is to provide security, reduction of duplicity, proofing, safeguard from damage or destruction and to provide continuity.  Safeguarding our critical documents (minutes, agenda, etc.) and our history.  The library is not for open publication and should not be released outside the confines of the membership without prior approval of the executive board and board of directors and then only specific requests for specific documents (i.e., minutes of 4 Jan 2010 minutes) not all minutes on file.  

In accessing the library you agree to abide the rules and restrictions placed on the Library of the WFTP Club, Inc  

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